~ together, we can cultivate generational self-awareness ~ building resilience from the inside out ~
~ together, we can cultivate generational self-awareness ~ building resilience from the outside in ~

Be Mindful: For Educators

For educators ready to change their world. 

Are you tired of just getting by in the classroom? 

Instead, learn how to thrive - and teach - from a place of kindness, compassion, and love. 
Flow with the classroom energy, instead of fighting against it. 

- Being an educator can come with an impossibly long list of to-dos

- All of these demands can be distracting and overwhelming

- And ultimately, this focus on doing, keeps us from actually BE-ing with our students

Educators often face a multitude of problems, but in the end:

🚩   You’re too busy thinking about the next moment.

🚩   And you’re too overwhelmed to enjoy this one.

(red flags!)

Wouldn’t it be nice if you had an intuitive understanding of self-awareness and self-care? 

The BEE Present Workshop for Educators 

Introducing mindfulness practices to help educators to reduce stress, improve focus and attention, and cultivate a greater sense of calm and presence in the classroom.

Our goal in this workshop is to teach educators how to deal with the real life challenges they face on a daily basis and to provide a tool kit of mindful skills to help them with these situations by “being the best educators they can be in the present moment.“

I highly recommend Ms. Amory's workshop to any educator looking to deepen their understanding of mindfulness and it's benefits for both teachers and students. I was very grateful for her passion, wisdom,  and cimmitment to supporting teachers in creating mindful learning environments. 

Julie Byron
Principal, Saddlers High School

- Breath work and Intention Setting
- Introduction and Flow of Workshop
- Questionnaire
- To BE vs. To Do 
- Responsibility of Self in the Classroom 
- Solving Problems with Mindfulness
- Worksheets and Tools 
- Practice Makes Progress

Children learn what their caregivers and communities practice.

Goals and Objectives:

Workshop Overview: 

3 self-paced sessions
Price: $22!

The BEE Present Educator Online  Workshop 

Get it Now!