~ together, we can cultivate generational self-awareness ~ building resilience from the inside out ~
~ together, we can cultivate generational self-awareness ~ building resilience from the outside in ~

make an inquiry

While much of the emphasis in traditional education is on the external world, the BEE ME Project teaches the importance of

connection to the internal self. 


We developed the BEE ME Project in the post-pandemic era to teach children to prioritize self-awareness, self-acceptance, and self-love. However, we quickly realized that parents, teachers, and those who are regularly in contact with children are some of the most stressed individuals in our society. It became our goal to develop accessible programs that allowed science, somatics, and holistic modalities to work together to welcome people back into their bodies, emotions, energy, mind, and environment.

Data shows that the greatest source of childhood and adolescent stress is not school work, extracurricular activities, or peer pressure, but parental stress.” [2]

Dr. Amy Saltzman, Child Mind Institute


With time, we began to understand that educating the people who spend the most amount of time with children is absolutely instrumental in cultivating generational self-awareness. 

Children learn what their caregivers and communities practice.

Co-regulation is providing interactive regulatory support from one person to another. It’s a feedback process that is crucial to establishing safe and loving environments for children to thrive (3). Even in adulthood, co-regulation is a necessary requirement for a healthy nervous system.

By giving caregivers and other people who work with children easy and comprehensive tools to both self-regulate and co-regulate, we aim to create more peaceful and coherent people at all levels of society.

In strengthening our connection to ourselves and our world, we are able to create safe environments for everyone to thrive. 

The Role of Co-regulation.



Our programs and resources offer a holistic approach to mindfulness based on five pillars of being:

Building trust in our own bodies and bodily experiences.

Noticing and processing our emotions.

Creating environments that support individual and collective well-being.

Training our minds to become more present.

Learning to cultivate and protect our energy.

The BEE ME Mission:

We’re on a mission to provide holistic educational programs, tools, and resources based on mindfulness and somatic practices that will teach adults, children, caregivers, and educators to embrace their authentic selves. That’s why we’ve ceated a series of educational programs and resources that support the development of the holistic Self - in both adults and kids.

We envision a world where all people are empowered to prioritize self-awareness and self-acceptance in our homes, communities, and educational systems. Through the BEE ME Project, we are building a world where what we teach is directly relevant to navigating everyday life in a peaceful, centered, and loving way.

education for individuals

education for organizations


Everything we do at the BEE ME Project is informed and directed by our values.

Natalia Esposito

Co-founder / Facilitator

Dale Armory

Co-founder / Facilitator

Natalia is a mother and mindfulness educator. She holds a Juris Doctor in law and a B.A. (Hons) in Business Administration. She is a co-founder and co-owner of the Royal St. Kitts hotel and the BEE ME Project. Following a near death experience, she embarked on her personal healing journey which led her to certify in a variety of healing modalities; she is a qualified yoga teacher and has also trained in breathwork and Integrative Somatic Therapy (Trauma), meditation, dance therapy, HeartMath™ and Nervous System Training.

Dale Amory is the founder and former director of St.Kitts International Academy and the BEE ME Project and has over thirty years of experience in education. She holds a diploma in Accounting and is a North American Progressive Montessori Elementary Teacher. She is also a certified yoga teacher and has completed training as a Wisdom Life Coach for kids. She holds certifications in Sound Healing therapy, Bioenergy Sound Therapy, and Gong Mastery Training for Sound Healing Therapy. She is the mother of two beautiful children. 


Interested in collaborating with our team, or becoming a BEE ME facilitator for your community? We’d love to hear from you.

reach out 

Maria Hanley

Research & Programming


Facilitator or Other?

Maria is a mother, former teacher and has had a long career as an Inventory and Business Manager. She holds a degree in Fiscal Sciences. The stress of a demanding career, combined with emotional trauma, led her to pursue inner work, meditation, and breath work and gave her the feeling at long last ‘at home’ in her body and mind. She is devoted to providing the necessary research to ensure BEE ME’s programs are at the forefront of psychological and neurobiological information. 

We are always looking for new members for our team. Use the button above and reach out if you are interested in working with us as a collaborator, facilitator, or other offering. The BEE ME Project needs a community to grow! 

Nicole St. Pierre

Program Director / Facilitator

Nicole holds a B.A. (Hons) in International Development and a B.Ed. in Education and has worked as both a teacher and social worker. She is currently completing her Master’s degree in Educational Leadership. Following her diagnosis with Postpartum Anxiety and Depression, she turned to alternative modalities to support her healing journey and found great success. She has completed a certification in Integrative Somatic Trauma Therapy, is a Somatic Experiencing trainee, and is a Kundalini yoga teacher in training.