~ together, we can cultivate generational self-awareness ~ building resilience from the inside out ~
~ together, we can cultivate generational self-awareness ~ building resilience from the outside in ~
~ together, we can cultivate generational self-awareness ~ building resilience from the inside out ~
A woman in a flow state doing yoga

How to Get More Flow State in Your Life


Flow has similarities with mindfulness and other practices we have discussed, but while we can be mindful even when we are not actively doing anything, a flow state is achieved when we are being productive, when we are accomplishing something.

Cultivating Flow

Today we will explore what happens when we really commit and focus on particular task – specifically, what happens when we direct all of our attention towards a single endeavor without judgment or internal dialogue. This is what’s called a ‘flow state’, being ‘in the zone’, or ‘runner’s high’ or even the ‘forever box.’ I know! Weird names – same process.

Flow has similarities with mindfulness and other practices we have discussed, but while we can be mindful even when we are not actively doing anything, a flow state is achieved when we are being productive, when we are accomplishing something.

We are in a flow state when we are totally immersed in a task. When we are in the zone we may not notice the passage of time or even be aware that we are actually performing an activity. Total focus also means that we hold no judgment of our own efforts. A beautiful thing!

A woman in a flow state doing yoga
How can we intentionally create states of flow?

What is the Science behind a Flow State?

Professor Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, developer of the theory of flow, describes flow as an optimal state where inner harmony and happiness are achieved through consciousness – rather than by controlling or by attempting to control external circumstances.

The wonderful thing is that research has shown that brain activity is different during flow and that we can actually increase our ability to access flow states, thereby reducing procrastination and distraction. During a flow state, brain function changes from beta waves to the borderline of alpha and theta waves. In other words, consciousness transforms into a ‘daydreaming,’ emotional, and subconscious state where ideas can flow and interact freely.

It is believed that interactions between five (5) neurotransmitters in the brain occur during a flow state:

  • Dopamine heightens attention, and pattern recognition.
  • Norepinephrine accelerates heartbeats and breathing and increases energy via a glucose boost.
  • Endorphins provide natural pain relief and induce pleasure.
  • Anandamide usually released during exercise-induced flow state, facilitates respiration, improve mood, dilates blood vessels, and allows for lateral thinking or the association of unrelated or contrasting ideas.
  • Serotonin produces the feeling of wellbeing at the end of a flow state.
A child is immersed in the beauty of nature, showing an example of a flow state.
The benefits of regular exposure to flow states include all aspects of health.

What is a Flow State Like?

A Flow State is commonly characterized by:

  1. Total focus
  2. Clear goals and rewards
  3. Immediate feedback
  4. Time transformation
  5. Sense of ease
  6. Balance between level of difficulty and skills
  7. Loss of self-consciousness
  8. Sense of control

To achieve a state of flow you have to find the task that is meaningful and rewarding to YOU. This means that the activity has the potential to satisfy a specific goal and bring about rewards and gains. The better the balance between the difficulty level and your own abilities, the higher the chances you will achieve flow. In other words, the activity must represent a challenge but one that you feel capable of overcoming.

Fulfilling these conditions will likely lead to a sense of ease and even ecstasy. You may even feel that time is not passing or passing too quickly as you immerse completely in the task forgoing your internal dialogue and judgment.

While most of us can get in the zone naturally, when the conditions are favorable, there are ways to improve your chances and facilitate a state of flow:

  • Focus on something truly meaningful. The more important and rewarding the task, the more likely you will be to immerse yourself in it.
  • Develop a ritual. Choose something to precede your activity. This may be playing your favorite song, meditating, taking a relaxing walk. Anything that will eventually signal to your body and mind that you are about to embark on this important task.
  • Identify when you are at your best and most inspired. Most of us have internal clocks or pre-conceived schedules that enhance or detract from our ability to concentrate. Choose the time that feels best for you.
  • Reduce distractions. Create the optimal space for total focus. Eliminate technological distractions or choose a time when those around you may not seek or need your attention.
  • Practice Meditation and Mindfulness. When you practice mindfulness and meditation you cultivate a sense of calm and focus on the present moment. The non-judgmental awareness mindfulness promotes will facilitate entering and staying in a state of flow.
A man surfing shows an example of a flow state.
Cultivating flow states is part of a mindful lifestyle.

What are the Benefits of a Flow State?

Achieving and maintaining a flow state can be beneficial in attaining emotional, mental, physical, and even professional fulfillment. Regular experiencing of a flow state may lead to, among others:

  • Better emotional control
  • Greater enjoyment and fulfillment
  • Greater happiness
  • Greater intrinsic motivation
  • Increased engagement
  • Improved performance
  • Enhanced learning and skill development
  • More creativity

Let’s Flow Together!

Studies have shown that people who participate in activities that induce team flow experience more joy and are able to stay in the flow longer. We at the Bee Me Project have the expertise and tools to help you achieve flow states that will not only lead to increased productivity and creativity but that will bring about joy, meaning and purpose to your life. Contact us and we can help you flow together!